
torsdag 15. september 2011

Presentasjon av månedens sponsor: Wild Rose Studio

Da var vi kommet til 15.september og det er på tide å presentere sponsoren for denne måneden, nemlig

Dette skriver di om seg selv:

Wild Rose Studio Ltd is an established UK craft company, founded in 2008 and based in Bristol, UK. We are passionate about all things to do with art and crafting and we hope that this is reflected in our creations!
All our designs are created by hand and then carefully transformed into clear stamps, papers and embellishments for you to enjoy.
Dulcie Jackson, Creative Director
Dulcie has worked in the craft industry since 2004 as an editor and designer for UK cardmaking and craft magazines. Dulcie set up Wild Rose Studio Ltd with her partner Matthew in 2008 and is the designer for nearly all the products you see here.
Matthew Mascord, Managing Director
Matthew started Wild Rose Studio Ltd with Dulcie in 2008 and handles the day-to-day running of the business.
Design Team
Wild Rose Studio is fortunate to have a team of six highly talented card designers. Here they are (in alphabetical order):
Dawny P
Sally B

We hope you enjoy looking around and browsing our designs - if you have any comments or suggestions please don't hesitate to get in touch at

Her er noen smakebiter på hva du kan finne hos
Wild Rose Studio

 Ballerina Mia

Cherry cupcake papers

Milton brads

Party Fergus

pickle with present

jolly greetings stamps

Dette og mye annet lekkert finner du hos Wild Rose Studio

Skjekk også ut bloggen deres som du finner HER

Det er fortsatt tid til å delta på utfordring #8 Distressing/Embossing
Fristen er 28.september, så hiv dere med!!

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